Spring, A Love/Hate Relationship.......


Days of warmth as snow turns to water, and the water turns the ground to mud. This, followed by the sun baking the mud into dry dirt. Water flows off the mountains, and the rivers rise. Ripe for those who wish to take advantage.

Winter gear is stowed, as summer toys are pulled from the dust.

And yet, the chill returns. Bringing snow and ice. The town turned to a painting of black and white.

The residence grudgingly wrapping scarfs and sweaters around themselves as they exit their houses. Many hoping, not for the first time, that this is the last time.  

And myself. I sigh, in the knowledge of the coming cold mornings, as I wait for an engine to heat up. At least the sun is rising, it won't be dark with the cold. 

Not for the first time, I hope the sun will free my driveway from its ice prison. It will take days.

The cycle will repeat perhaps once more. No one can say for sure........

In other News, Billings will break it's snow fall recorded this year. 
Also, the drainage that feeds the Stillwater is sitting at around 200% snow pack.

Talk to you later,
