New Places, New Experiences

When I was young, I never was the person to try new things.

But years come and years go, and I've broken out of that old shell. Glad I did too, other wise I would not be in the place I am today.

I may be new to the world of blogging, but that does not mean that the idea of placing content on the great and mysterious internet is alien to me. I also run a YouTube channel, on which I have opened a window to the main passion of my life. No, its not the big, red, bathtub shaped boat that may be the main constant of the majority of my videos. My passion is simple the action of floating down a body of moving water.

Yeah, I'm a river rat. I don't really care what kind of craft takes me down the worlds greatest highway, as long as its not an inner tube.

Now then, trying to express my passion for my passion in words and a written language is challenging. Or, at least at the moment. But, it is a challenge that I will gladly take on. It acts both as a new experience and a way for me to exercise my mind without going mad, as the yearly blanket of frozen water descends on my area of the world.

Well, I think I'll end it there for now. But if you, yeah you the reader, like the idea of a new experience, then feel free to drop by my YouTube channel and look around.

Talk to you later,
