Where's The Fire?

(Disclaimer, is blog doesn't have anything to do with fire. So if your pants, or house are on fire, then stop reading and put the fire out.)

I like using expressions.

Such as 'Where's the fire?'.

And if you didn't know, It means 'What's the rush?"

Really, what is the rush?

For some reason, the idea that everything needs to happen NOW (or as soon as possible) has impacted our society. Sure, I have deadlines and things that need to be done at a specific time. But, mostly I'm laid-back and easy-going. I don't like being rushed, or having large amounts of stress. I don't move very fast either. Enjoying the moment is what I love doing.

I really don't like how many people seem to rush everything. And, I get a lot of those during the summer. From people who spend a week going to as many National Monuments as they can. To others wanting to take one hour to travel a three hour mountain pass.

The one that really got me, was a group (that went rafting with the company I work for) who paid extra for the shuttle vehicle to be at the end point before hand. It usually is. I drove the shuttle for this group, and I'm always at the take out early. Yeah, that group lost money that day.

I've guided many groups that seen to think a raft trip I has a set time limit on it, as they scheduled an event almost directly afterwards and ask if a bus loaded with around 50 people can go faster, or rush their children to get changed into dry cloths. They always leave flustered and stressed.

One of my favorite quoits is by Warren Miller. (The guy who puts out all the really good ski movies. His next one is 'The Line of Descend'.)  

The quoit goes "The absolute speed of life: 1 second per second."

Yeah, what a great speed.

Why don't you take a moment today and set back for a while. Let the speed of life take you away.

Talk to you later,
