A Handfull of Hours, and Some Happy Aches

Last week was the first time in a long time I managed to pull my self together and put a boat on some water. Sure it was a indoor pool, but that's what I was hopping for. A controlled environment in which to practice. And it ended well, with some happy aches.

Let us start at the start, and work our way to the end.

Today (12/13/2017) I finished my afternoon run for the school, pick up some mail, and threw my canoe in my truck. I had been planning on getting to Cody, Wy, for a while, because the kayak community can use the pool at the Recreation Center on Wednesday nights. And, today was the first free Wednesday I've had in a while. My plan was to use the pool to test out the modifications I had done to my canoe, and to do some bracing and off side paddle practice.

I left town in a welcome snow storm, literally sliding out of my driveway, and headed south. The climb out of town wasn't bad. But on the decent, my truck decided it did not want to stop turning at a the end of a U turn. Luckily all four wheels stayed on the ground, and I managed to regain control after a bit. A rather heart pumping start to an hour drive. The rest of the way was a pleasant drive, and I arrived about twenty minutes late.

After a  quick talk to the group of kayakers, who were there already, and a small fee, just four bucks, I was floating in my canoe for the first time in months. It felt good, like putting on shorts after a day of wearing pants. After a bit of J-stroke refreshing, I accomplished everything I set out to do. My modifications worked. And after a bit, my body stared to remember how to properly brace. I even tried to roll a few times. That did not go well, and I bailed out each time. Although, I did find out that I could stay in my boat even when upside down.

The kayakers I met there where welcoming, and very curious about my boat. I couldn't blame them. Not every one gets to look at a white water canoe every day. The kayakers where veterans of some of the more technical parts of the Shoeshone River, some class IV white water, and answered some questions I had about those areas. I would love to run those sections. My talk with the Kayakers, and a bit of canoe tryouts, left me in high hopes of paddling with them on a river some day.

I left the pool after an hour, thanks to the pool staff for letting us paddle around for that long. And, started working my way home. After stopping for a drink, and a rather good gas station pizza, I hit the highway. While driving, I reminisced about my home away from home, the river. That, coupled with some soar muscles, and Welcome Home by Radical Face, put me at ease for first time in a while. Of course, the way the headlights of my truck painted the road add to the atmosphere as well.  The Direct TV van that almost hit me didn't help.

It's an odd thing, what a few hours and some good aches can do for you. My muscles still ache a little, but it's the ache of my body saying 'Yeah, you did good'. And, not the ache of early work mornings. Although, I might get those if I don't go to bed soon.

I plan to go to Cody again, but for now I have some projects and the holidays to get ready for.

Talk to you later,
