Never the Same Twice

My family has a saying, 'You can never run the same river twice." And while I have been on some rivers numerous times, they have never been the same.

Before this gets too confusing, let me explain. While it is possible to run the same river over and over again, it will never be the same trip. For example, I've run the Middle fork of the Salmon three times, Main fork of the Salmon two times, San Juan 5-6 times, Green (through Deso and Gray) twice, Stillwater 300+, and the Yellowstone numerous times. And each time, each trip has been different.

My first time down the Middle Fork of the Salmon (I was a customer at the time), I swam through a class III rapid. And, only after did one of the guides we were with tell me that he had lost two people (as in, they died) in that rapid only the year before. Now fast forward a few years, and my second time down the same river. (This time as a private group). I rammed my raft into my dad's, pushing him out of Velvet Falls (a class IV rapid). This saved him from flipping his boat, and I also broke one of his spare oars in the process. Oh, I also didn't swim this trip.

                                      (Velvet Falls, 5.5 feet flow. Image from google)

Now then, if I didn't give a good enough example up above. Then, how about this. What I was trying to convey, is that experiences make the trip. And, it gets really boring if you have the same experiences each time. As a raft guide myself, I would not have enjoyed my 300+ times down the Stillwater if the trips had not been so different from one another. Yes, I do get trips I really dislike. But, that just adds to the point. There are good one, and there are bad ones. But, no two are the same.

Even as a think about it, I've never run a rapid the same way every time. I'm always changing my position depending on the water flow and/or the paddling crew.

The notion of 'Never the Same Twice' can be applied to other aspects as well. I've never climbed the same rock climb the same way. Or, skied in my tracks on the same ski run. (etcetera, etcetera). 

I'd go crazy if I did any of that.

For my sanity, i am thankful that each and every day of my life are different from one another. The little differences add flair to my days. Such as, the suicidal turkeys, shorts in December, freezing engines, and the mood swinging weather. 

I hope that you can find the differences in your days. Maybe they may take you on an adventure.

Talk to you latter,
