Wait, The World is Dangerous?

I saw a post on social media not long ago. The title of the post was 'Top 10 Most Dangerous Seas in the World'. (or something like that).

Okay..... How is a dangerous sea any real big news? I mean, the world is not a safe place to begin with. I should know, I make a living floating down rivers. (Every river I've been on has killed someone.)

In fact, I would not call any place safe. I would say that there are places of low risk, and places of high risk. Why? Well, there are plenty of ways you call still die in your house. I'm not talking about age, gases, heart problems, or other medical things. Natural disasters kill people on a yearly bases. We hear about them all the time on the news, with the hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, and tornados (from time to time). I'll include human related events as well, shootings, stabbings, and such.

I have lived through some pretty risky nature related events. For example: A time last year, while I was living in a poorly insolated places, a cold snap came and the temperature dropped bellow zero. This lasted for a long time. On one night, while I was sleeping, the breaker box decided to throw all of its switches. This left me in the cold. If I had not been in my sleeping bag, under three lays of blankets, and without a set of cloths in the sleeping bag with me. I may not have survived the night, or suffered serous hypothermia.  I was really thankful that my truck started that morning.

Now if your thinking that's bad, I do also life less then 50 miles from the largest volcano on earth. Its name, Yellowstone. That's right, the first national park in the US is the biggest lava active spot in the world. How big is it? Well, the caldera (the top of most volcanos) is around 50 miles in diameter. Which, happens to be the majority of the park. Now if Yellowstone where to erupt, not only would it cover over a third of the US, but there is a possibility that its ash could put the world into a volcanic winter. Just think about that next time you think Australia is out to kill the world.

While we're on Australia, what is up with people thinking it was all the dangerous animals? Sure, it does have quite a lot. But, so does the US. The area I life in has bears, snakes, spiders, buffalo, large cats, wolves, coyotes, suicide deer and turkeys, moose, elk, mountain goats, and a few others. Yeah. That's quite a bit. And, everyone knows about the bears. They wonder into town so often, that most of the trash cans are bear-proof (almost human-proof). Bears also wound and kill people yearly.

Stupid, ignorant tourists are hurt by buffalo (bison), and moose in Yellowstone all the time. If you have never seen a buffalo, or moose, then think about an animal that stands taller then a car, and weighs more than 500 lbs. (Buffalo can weight above 1,000lbs.) Yup, they're big. And when mad, they know you're smaller. It wont end well for you. So, what ever you do, don't get too close, don't put your kid on a buffalo's back, and don't put one in your trunk.
                               (The American Buffalo)

While nature has a good chance of high risks, the urban jungle is not much better. Groups of people can offer safety, peace of mind, and security. But, the danger is always present. In towns, and cities, across America, there is a man made danger. It's a collaboration of the dreams of many people, and a fantastic feet of engineering. Yeah, the automobile. The cars, trucks, vans, buses, motorcycles, and so. Vehicle related incidents have become common ever since their creation, and many people are hurt (or kill)  every year. And, we accept it as normal. But, its also a risk we face every day.

So yeah, the world is a dangerous places. Some places are more dangerous then others, but no place is completely removed from harm. Just food for thought.

Talk to you later,
