River Guiding: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Part 1

Through my years of guiding down rivers, I have been through many experiences. 

You probably know that, considering that I keep talking about it.

I want to share a some more through a three part series. Featuring Good, Bad, and Ugly. 

This blog will feature the Ugly. 
(There have been quite a few.)

To start off, one of my first trips of summer 2017. It was a good size trip, 4 or 5 boats, and some decent looking paddle crews.

Or, at least I thought.

I got my crew, a family on vacation, and pushed off. Within the first couple strokes, I knew that the crew I got failed to meet to expectations. Which happens more then often.

But the real kicker was the father. He was the best paddler in the crew. But for the first half of the trip, he run around the raft with a camera trying to get every angle he could. Thankfully, by the time the big rapids came, he seemed take my yelling into consideration. And, he stayed in a paddling position for the remainder of the trip. 

Which is more then I can say about the wife and her friend. Who, by the last quarter of the trip, decided that my screaming and yelling was secondary to their own conversation. They ignored me entirely, excepted for the occasional lily dip of their paddles. 

Oh yeah, the kids where next to useless.

I ended that trip with a pounding head ache.

Next, The Gang Pot Heads.

Yeah, you read the upper line right.

Myself and another guide took a large party down. They past conversations between rafts and seemed to enjoy the trip. (As a side note. They were weak paddlers).

At some point, I don't remember when, I noticed a clear box with bags of green colored substance and a instrument in which to smoke the substance.

I ignored it, and kept my thoughts to myself.

That was until the group as if there was a place to stop and empty their bladders. There was, and we stopped. And the group disappeared into the trees.

The other guide and I stared after them in bewilderment. Neither of use had ever seen a spectacle that that before.

After we got over our surprise, myself and the other guide managed to wrangle up our crew. I was rather pissed about having a crew who willing impaired their mental status while on a river.

Last, Bench Vomiters.

So, I probably don't have to explain this too much. But, it is not a pretty sight when a person has to  sit on a bench and show to contents of their stomach to the world.

This is not motions sickness. These people were flat out drunk. And I'm sure they felt rather bad afterwards.

Summer 2017 saw a new rule at the company. 'You get drunk, you get to wait at the boat ramp while your friends go back to the boat shop to get your vehicle to pick you up.'

That's it for now. I still have many experiences, and I'm adding to them all the time. Good, and bad.

Talk to you later,
