Embrace the Splash

Spring is coming up fast. And with it, new river runners. Those people who watched with open eyes and maybe a open mouth. Those, who said 'I want to do that!'.

Well, I have a piece of advice for those, and others.

Embrace the splash.

You're on a river, so you will get wet one way of another. Rather then fighting to stay dry, understand that river don't care. They'll get you.

Embracing the splash with prepare a kayaker for the first wave to knock air from their lungs, or the rafter with anchoring themselves if their raft, or the swimmer who just fell out of their boat, and even a canoer as water pours over the gunnels.

For kayaking and white water canoeing, knowing that you will get wet, is a big part of preforming braces and rolls. As well as the time where a kayaker, or canoer, was to bale out and swim.

Expecting to get wet will just make a trip better too. Trust me, I've seen it. The people who come rafting and know that they'll be splashed, come off the river with bigger smiles and better trips then those who don't.

So try to embrace the splash.

Talk to you later,
