Fixing a Break

So last Wednesday, during a rather rough pool session in my canoe, I found that one of my ankle blocks had torn. It tore just above where the adhesive keeps it stuck the hard plastic of the canoe. I don't know when this happened. But, it was probably do to some long time stress.

Yes, I know I have owned my canoe for less then a year. But, sense there was no set guideline I found to fallow, I did expect something to fail. And so it did.

I was thinking i needed to work on the blocks any way.

Now, I already fix the block. It was easy. After it dried, apply the adhesive (H2 Glue from NRS), let the adhesive sit to get 'tacky' to the touch, apply a second layer, let sit, and then put the pieces back together.

Yup, that easy. Although, I would like the adhesive dry for a little while before putting stress on it.

I also took steps to HOPFULLY prevent this in the future. I added smaller microcell blocks to the front of each ankle block. Besides a little measuring, and sanding, it went as easy as repairing the ankle block.

                               (Block carved, work area sketched, and ready to glue)

                               (Adhesive applied to all needed areas, sitting to get 'tacky')

                               (Every thing put together.)

Up above shows the process on the left side. The support faces forward. And once the adhesive was dry, the support works as intended. Supporting, and stiffening the base of the ankle block.

Yeah, it kinda looks ugly. But, as long as it does its job, I don't care how it looks. I would have liked to do at least two layers of adhesive on this side, but I ran out of the adhesive. I'll probable have to do some more shaping later.

The other fun part of this, was I got to use my new camera.

   (Probably not the safest way to get photos. But, I really like using the camera.)

In other news, the days are getting warmer. Or, at least I can take my jacket off by the afternoon. Soon I'll be back on the rivers!

Talk to you later,
