Playing Support for a Race

Sunday I helped out with a triathlon race.

Mainly, I just shuttled runners to their start position. And then, I jumped back in my truck and motored over to the Yellowstone River to meet up with some friends to play safety boat for the last leg of the triathlon race.  
The Crew, Waiting for the Race Leader to Come Past

The weather could have been better, but the weather was better then the past year's race. No snow.

The section of the Yellow stone that the race used, was from Columbus MT, to a ranch about 6-7 miles downstream. Most of the racers used long, skinny, kayaks. Some did use whitewater kayaks, and there was a canoe or two.
We Had a Long Wait Between First and Second Place

The race was rather boring from my perspective. Mostly because the faster racers where good boatmen, and they had a huge lead on the others. Also, because the Yellowstone was at such a flow level that there were ways around the rougher parts of the river. 

As a side note, the rapids on this section are class III and below. The river also gives a clear view of all the rapids. So, the racers had a long time to make their choice: either run the rapid, or go around.
Little Legend Our Raft Security

Our safety crew ended up just being a group of friends out for a good time on the river. So, I'm not complaining to much. Although, I did forget to pack a good rain jacket and some lunch. Thankfully, the light jacket I did have kept me warm enough. And, I got lunch at the finish line. The worst part for me this day, was the fact that I left something at home. And, it took over a day to get the chill out of my bones.

The thing I left at home was my new adventure buddy!
This is Sam
I would like to introduce Sam, my fuzzy adventure buddy. Currently, he is still adjusting to his new home and town. He is also working on his people skills.

I do not know how he will react to the river, but I am hopeful. He needs a PFD first. And, I probable need a bigger boat too.

Talk to you later,
