Through Desolation part 3: Above Cedar Ridge to Above Bull Canyon


Day 3


We left camp early (8ish am), after a breakfast of premade breakfast burritos. The day met us with calm winds and strong current. The rapid bellow Cedar Ridge was the one of the first to throw water into my boat. Many other rapids can this day. Along with flats that felt like paddling through lakes.

Margo barrowed a camera for this day, and others. Which was fortunate, because she fell out of the ducky half way down Steer Ridge (Class II Rapid). She took a good swim but managed to drag herself back into the duck before the end of the rapid.  
Margo Half Way Out of the Ducky
This was her only swim, and the only one of the trip.

The rapid this day put a fair amount of water in my canoe. And, I found myself using my (ill fitted) bailing spong throughout the trip. I even had to stop and dump the canoe a few times. I used these times to stretch my knees.

Throughout the day, we passed other groups. These consisted of: a few private parties, a couple guided parties, and a NOLS group with a few gear rafts fallowed by a lot of kayakers. The majority of the kayakers were novices.

The camp we were wanting was occupied, so we pushed a few more miles down stream to Above Bull Canyon. Where my right knee refused to leave the canoe for some time.

As usual, we made camp before lunch. The usual.

Above Bull Ridge has a large sand bar, at this water, making an easy landing. A short haul passed some reeds, and other brush, exposes a stand of young cottonwoods. Which provide a bit of shade over a large sand area. (A good place for a game of ultimate frisbee). Other, smaller, sand areas could be found further away from the river. This camp could support a lot of people if needed.   
The Landing (Dad, Margo and Mom)

After the kitchen was set, in a shady spot under the trees, we found our sleeping spots. A few of the group set their tents down on the sand by the boats. The groover was also set up down there. (I wish it had been in a more private spot). I Spread my sand mat and sleeping pad out on the sand near the kitchen and spent the night under the stars. 
Part of the Camp
Bed Sweet Bed
We ate tri-tip for dinner, while batting at swarms of little black flies. The files didn’t bite, but they were sure annoying as they were everywhere. They went away as night fell and the bats came out.
Margo and Mom Cleaning up After Dinner

Tomorrow would be our shortest day at 7 miles. But, it would take us over Joe Hutch.
